Episode 73

Published on:

9th Dec 2024

Monday Motivation: Clarity in 'Be it, Do it December'

Welcome to Monday Motivation!

This week for 'Be it, Do it, December', Heather Masters focuses on the essential theme of clarity, urging listeners to delve deep into understanding their true selves and aspirations. She emphasises that clarity is the foundation for dreams and can transform every aspect of life, from careers to relationships.

Heather shares her personal journey of recognising limiting beliefs that shaped her identity, illustrating how these beliefs can hinder success and self-fulfilment.

Listeners are encouraged to engage in journaling to uncover their core values and passions, aligning their actions with their ideal selves.

With playful humour and insightful guidance, Heather invites everyone to embrace the journey of self-discovery and take bold steps toward living authentically.

The Details:

Heather Masters delves into the vital theme of clarity, distinguishing between surface-level understanding and a deeper, more personal awareness.

She highlights that clarity is essential for realising goals, dreams and aspirations, urging listeners to peel back layers of conditioning and confusion to discover their authentic selves.

This process involves confronting limiting beliefs that may have been adopted over time, often stemming from traumatic experiences or negative feedback.

Heather shares her personal journey of overcoming a belief of failure, which led to self-sabotage in various aspects of her life. This candid exploration serves as a powerful reminder that our identities are often shaped by beliefs that may not reflect our true potential.

Listeners are encouraged to engage in self-reflection through journaling, assessing their core values, and identifying what brings them joy.

Heather emphasises the importance of envisioning an ideal self, one that aligns with personal passions and aspirations.

The episode serves as a guide for those seeking to transform their lives, suggesting that by modelling the behaviours and mindsets of those who inspire them, they can redefine their paths.

Ultimately, the message is clear: embracing the journey of self-discovery is essential to living authentically, and it is through this journey that one can truly shine and make a meaningful impact.


  • This week, focus on gaining clarity about your true identity and aspirations.
  • Recognising deep-rooted beliefs can empower you to change your self-perception and actions.
  • Journaling about your core values can help clarify what truly matters in your life.
  • Modelling successful individuals can provide insights into achieving your own goals and desires.
  • Identify what brings you joy and ensure you prioritise those experiences daily.
  • Your ideal self should guide your actions and align with your ultimate goals.


  • 00:17 - Finding Clarity
  • 03:12 - Recognizing and Changing Identity Beliefs
  • 05:51 - Envisioning Your Ideal Self
  • 08:45 - Embracing Change: Aligning Actions with Self-Discovery
  • 10:03 - Embracing Authenticity

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Heather Masters

Copyright 2025 Heather Masters

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Links referenced in this episode:

Clear, Clarity, Create – New Life by Design: 


Writing Your Way Back:


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Copyright 2024 Heather Masters

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Heather Masters:

Hello and welcome to another week of the Be it do it December as part of coffee and coaching.

Heather Masters:

And this is Monday Motivation.

Heather Masters:

I'm Heather Masters and welcome to my channel.

Heather Masters:

I hope you've got your cuppa with you.

Heather Masters:

I wanted to dedicate this week to clarity, and not just clarity at a conscious level, but let's get really deep this week into finding clarity for what you want in your life, in your world, what you'd like to see the world be like.

Heather Masters:

Let's get really clear on that this week.

Heather Masters:

This is an opportunity to do that.

Heather Masters:

And as I go forward, I am going to be more open about talking about the new world we're all hoping for and being an awakened entrepreneur or an awakened person in this very strange time on earth, very transformational time on earth.

Heather Masters:

So as we start this week together, let's start by focusing on clarity, but at a level of identity.

Heather Masters:

So we're diving deep into understanding who we truly are and who we truly want to be.

Heather Masters:

That was really interesting this morning that when I was meditating and thinking about things, I recognized that at some level I had taken on a belief as part of my identity.

Heather Masters:

And this is something we can do in traumatic situations or if we have a shock or actually if something just resonates, we can take a comment and take it on as part of who we are at an identity level.

Heather Masters:

And it's difficult then to achieve anything that goes against that deep rooted belief because it is at identity level.

Heather Masters:

And that's kind of at the top of the.

Heather Masters:

Almost at the top of the hierarchy.

Heather Masters:

There is one above it.

Heather Masters:

So we know that clarity is the foundation of our dreams and aspirations.

Heather Masters:

If we can peel back the layers of what we truly want, peel back the conditioning, peel back the doubts and the confusion to reveal our true selves, then we can gain clarity in everything that we do.

Heather Masters:

We can approach things differently, not just in our careers or relationships, but in every aspect of our lives.

Heather Masters:

We can really see what we want, what we're here for, if you like, what is our desire, our passion at this time.

Heather Masters:

So one of the beliefs that I discovered was that I felt I had failed.

Heather Masters:

And not only that I had failed, but because of that, I was taking at identity level that I couldn't succeed.

Heather Masters:

So it was really quite deep.

Heather Masters:

You know, every time I started something, I would do it at kind of 60% because I thought I was a failure.

Heather Masters:

Therefore it, you know, nothing would succeed.

Heather Masters:

And this, this impacted quite a few areas of my life.

Heather Masters:

So recognizing that gives me the power to change it.

Heather Masters:

And to recognize that actually that isn't really true.

Heather Masters:

There are many areas I have succeeded and many areas I succeed on a daily basis.

Heather Masters:

And kind of that's where I'd like you to start, is to grab a journal, do some journaling on this and write down if you have any beliefs that come up that maybe you can see you've taken on that identity level, that could be stopping you and you could be self sabotaging in your life.

Heather Masters:

The other thing, if you have a look back at some of my other videos, is to have a look at your core values.

Heather Masters:

Now this is a whole process around core values.

Heather Masters:

But what are the main things that are important, important to you?

Heather Masters:

If you write down the different areas in your life, just brainstorm what.

Heather Masters:

What's important to you about that?

Heather Masters:

So what's important to you about relationships?

Heather Masters:

What's important to you about your work?

Heather Masters:

What's important to you about money?

Heather Masters:

And just brainstorm those areas and write down those values and then take time to put them in order of importance.

Heather Masters:

The next thing is what brings me joy.

Heather Masters:

And not just what brings you joy, but are you allowing yourself to have that experience of joy in your life?

Heather Masters:

Are you giving yourself time to do those joyful tasks?

Heather Masters:

And then what you're passionate about?

Heather Masters:

One of the ways of thinking about what you're passionate about is what do you do?

Heather Masters:

Irrespective of whether you have money or whether things are going well, what is the one thing yet you still do that you still show up for every day.

Heather Masters:

The next step, once you've done that and you've taken the time to journal, is to begin to think about who you would like to be.

Heather Masters:

What does the future self look like?

Heather Masters:

So maybe you've identified areas where you perhaps haven't got the skills yet for your passion.

Heather Masters:

You're not showing up as fully as you would like for the passion or the career you would like to do.

Heather Masters:

So have a think about how you would want to wake up every day.

Heather Masters:

Envision who you'd like to be your ideal self and what does that look like?

Heather Masters:

What does that person achieve?

Heather Masters:

Your ideal self tends to achieve your ideal life.

Heather Masters:

So how do you want to feel each day?

Heather Masters:

What kind of relationships do you want to have on a personal level, on a social level, on a family level?

Heather Masters:

What's the legacy you want to leave behind?

Heather Masters:

What's the difference you want to make?

Heather Masters:

What's the meaning for you in showing up each day and getting out of bed?

Heather Masters:

What's going to get you out of bed every morning as that person that you be.

Heather Masters:

The next thing to do is step three, and that's to align your actions with the clarity you have on who you are and who you want to be.

Heather Masters:

In neuro linguistic programming, this is called modeling.

Heather Masters:

One of the things you can do is to look for someone who is already doing what you want to do and who maybe is already reflecting the characteristics of who you want to be and then to begin to model them.

Heather Masters:

And I don't just mean copying them.

Heather Masters:

Modeling is deeper than that.

Heather Masters:

It's really getting into their thought patterns, how they perceive things, what's their point of view, what drives them, what are their values, what are their beliefs that get them to get the results that they want in the world.

Heather Masters:

You don't have to model them exactly.

Heather Masters:

If something doesn't quite fit with you, then don't choose that.

Heather Masters:

But it's about trying it on for yourself and seeing what works and what difference things make.

Heather Masters:

So it's not necessarily 100% changing your beliefs.

Heather Masters:

But what if you could try that belief on for a week and see how that worked?

Heather Masters:

So if you wanted to try the belief that you're always getting clients, you get clients with ease and grace.

Heather Masters:

If you take on that belief, what would change for you in terms of your behavior and your learning and how you show up?

Heather Masters:

So that's just an example.

Heather Masters:

So this week, choose one small action that reflects your true self.

Heather Masters:

It could be as simple as setting aside time for that joy for that self care or reaching out to someone that you admire so that you can model how they show up in the world.

Heather Masters:

And remember, I have a journaling course called writing your way back as well as the clear.

Heather Masters:

Clarity creates creating a new life by design.

Heather Masters:

And both of those are in the description.

Heather Masters:

If you would like to follow up with any of this.

Heather Masters:

And clarity is not a destination, it is a journey.

Heather Masters:

We're constantly gaining clarity.

Heather Masters:

So embrace the process of discovering yourself and each step takes you closer to living authentically.

Heather Masters:

So as we move through this week of clarity, of be it do it December, let's commit to seeking clarity in all aspects of our lives.

Heather Masters:

Let's be bold enough to be ourselves and brave enough to take action around what we discover.

Heather Masters:

You have the power within you, so let's go out and shine.

Heather Masters:

And thank you so much for watching.

Heather Masters:

Please do like share with someone who might need to hear this today.

Heather Masters:

And please help me in supporting my channel by subscribing and following.

Heather Masters:

I'll be back tomorrow with Tuesday's tip.

Heather Masters:

Again, another little tip around creating clarity for yourself in your life and getting really clear on what you want.

Heather Masters:

Thanks again for watching and I'll see you tomorrow for Tuesday tip.

Heather Masters:

Bye for now.

Heather Masters:

Thank you so much for taking the time to listen to this week's episode.

Heather Masters:

If you enjoyed it or think it would be valuable to others, please do share.

Heather Masters:

And if you really enjoyed it, please leave me a review.

Heather Masters:

It really helps the podcast.

Heather Masters:

All of the links are in the show notes and I look forward to seeing you next week on the Choosing Happy Podcast.

Heather Masters:


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About the Podcast

Choosing Happy
Helping Online Entrepreneurs navigate the chaos and trauma of current times, while exploring what it takes to thrive and be truly happy, no matter what life throws at you.
Today chaos is now the norm. Entrepreneurs are constantly confronted with shattering and accelerating change. This podcast explores the power behind Choosing Happiness irrespective of outside circumstances. Recognising that we are living in the 'unknown', Heather facilitates a search for what truly fulfils us from deep within ourselves, in order that we can handle anything that life throws at us.
Join her in her exploration of getting the best out of life and business.

Take a dive deep into diverse topics such as loving the work that we do, energy and state management, digital entrepreneurship, spirituality, money and so much more.

This podcast releases every Wednesday.
Once per month she has friends and guests join her, though primarily you can expect her to be helping you solo.
Each episode has actionable takeaways that you can implement in your life or business.

You can find this podcast in any podcast app on the planet including Apple Podcast, Spotify, Google Podcast and amazon.

And if you would like to subscribe you can do so on this page.

So if you are an entrepreneur looking to bring more joy, success, abundance and a sense of aliveness to your life and business, then this is for you.

This is the Choosing Happy Podcast
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About your host

Profile picture for Heather Masters

Heather Masters

After struggling to feel comfortable in my own skin for years, and after living through many life and career/business changes, I finally discovered something that helped me get comfortable with the unknown and discover what it was I truly wanted, and to connect with that heartfelt knowing I hadn't been able to get clarity on. I have turned that into a system that helps techies, Entrepreneurs and online creatives (Artists, writers, techies and digital creators) overcome their blocks so they can step into who they really are, tap into their Creative genius and confidently show up in their lives like never before.

When you are tired of being tired...
My mission is to help you step out of old destructive patterns and beliefs that limit you and free you up to create the intuitively guided business and life that empowers and ignites you.

Create A Future Distinct From The Past.

And for those Awakened Entrepreneurs and Business owners, navigating a challenging and vastly changing world landscape, I have created the Online Success Academy, and focused one to one coaching programs, that help you traverse the chaos and take advantage of the new and exciting opportunities presenting themselves.