Episode 60

Published on:

8th Nov 2024

The Miracle of You: Discovering Value Beyond Job Titles

Self-worth should never be tied to job titles or societal status; it's about recognizing the value we bring to every role we play.

Heather Masters dives into the importance of pride in our work, regardless of its nature, emphasizing that every job contributes to the larger picture of life. She shares personal experiences, including her time cleaning during the COVID-19 pandemic, to illustrate how maintaining high standards can foster self-esteem and open doors to new opportunities.

Heather encourages listeners to reflect on their own self-worth and to embrace their current roles with pride and intention. Ultimately, it's about valuing ourselves and celebrating the unique contributions we all make, regardless of the job we hold.

Episode Details:

Heather's episode serves as a rallying cry for individuals feeling disheartened by their current job situations. She advocates for a shift in mindset, encouraging listeners to view their roles as stepping stones rather than measures of their worth.

By sharing stories of people who have navigated tough circumstances with dignity and purpose, she illustrates how taking pride in one's work—no matter how small—can lead to personal growth and unexpected opportunities.

Heather calls on her audience to embrace their current situations with passion and commitment, suggesting that this approach not only enriches their own lives but also positively impacts those around them.

The overall message resonates with anyone who has ever questioned their value based on their job, providing reassurance that every contribution, no matter how humble, is vital to the collective success of society.


  • Self-worth should not be tied to job titles; we are more than our work.
  • Finding pride in any job, no matter how small, enhances self-esteem and opens doors.
  • Every role contributes to the greater purpose of society, regardless of its perceived value.
  • Recognizing the unique contributions of essential workers elevates their importance and our respect.
  • Taking pride in your work can make a significant difference in others' experiences.
  • Your current job may not be your dream role, but it can lead you there.


  • 00:00 - Introduction and Weekly Challenge
  • 00:41 - The Connection Between Work and Self-Worth
  • 02:51 - The Importance of Every Role
  • 06:21 - Finding Pride in Your Work
  • 10:20 - Courage in Low-Paid Roles
  • 11:19 - Closing Thoughts: Embrace Your Value
  • 11:59 - Outro and Next Steps

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Heather Masters

Copyright 2025 Heather Masters

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Companies mentioned in this episode:

  • Headspace

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Heather Masters:

Good morning and happy Friday.

Heather Masters:

I hope you've got your cup of coffee with you.

Heather Masters:

I'm Heather Masters and this is Friday features.

Heather Masters:

And if you've been following me this week, you'll know I'm doing a 10 day challenge with the hope of getting a little bit of promotion at the end of it to help me grow my channel.

Heather Masters:

And on growing my channel, I would love it if you could follow, subscribe and like the video to help me grow a little bit more and get, get my videos seen by more people.

Heather Masters:

The, the idea of doing these is that someone somewhere will find something useful in these.

Heather Masters:

So that's my plan to, to help anyone in any way I can.

Heather Masters:

So if you can support me in that, that would be brilliant.

Heather Masters:

So today I'm diving into a topic that really just came up for me this morning.

Heather Masters:

But I think in these days where jobs are changing and we're being called probably to take on two or three jobs just to get through the day that our self worth linked to our work can, you can kind of lose confidence in yourself if you feel you're doing a lesser job, if you like.

Heather Masters:

I know I've been there and done that and I know that if you allow it, your mind can convince you that you know, you're no longer good enough to go get the work that you really want to do.

Heather Masters:

And I think that's, that's quite untrue.

Heather Masters:

I, I do feel sometimes we can learn so much from the work we do.

Heather Masters:

We can learn so much about ourselves and what we're willing to tolerate, how we can improve our self worth, what we learn about other people as well.

Heather Masters:

And it can actually encourage ourselves to be compassionate where we may not have been seen before.

Heather Masters:

So let's dive in and really explore the concepts and, and what I actually mean by all of this.

Heather Masters:

So when we think about self worth, it's easy to tie it to our job and it's easy to tie it to job titles and also to identify ourselves with the jobs we have.

Heather Masters:

Yet we're not our jobs, we're not the work that we do.

Heather Masters:

So self worth should come from more of what we, what we feel ourselves to be.

Heather Masters:

We're all miracles.

Heather Masters:

You know, it's a miracle that we're all here.

Heather Masters:

If you, you look at the statistics, we're all essential to the jigsaw puzzle of life, to the jigsaw puzzle of the universe.

Heather Masters:

You know, if that one piece is missing, then the jigsaw puzzle just isn't finished.

Heather Masters:

So whether you're a CEO or a toilet cleaner.

Heather Masters:

Your contribution matters.

Heather Masters:

And every role plays a part in the bigger picture.

Heather Masters:

And as I say, even our, our identity shouldn't be linked necessarily to the work that we do.

Heather Masters:

And in fact, if we can be who we want to be and step into the truth of who we are, then everything else kind of falls away.

Heather Masters:

Whether you're cleaning bathrooms or whether you'', the CEO of one of the biggest organizations in the world, your self worth shouldn't really be tied to that.

Heather Masters:

And if we think about those who clean bathrooms, for instance, because I've been there and done it, I did that during, during COVID your self worth is, it shouldn't be tied to that.

Heather Masters:

And the, the intention, the reason you're doing it, has a much greater value than the work that you're doing.

Heather Masters:

And if you're taking pride in your work, no matter what type of work you're doing, whether you're planting seeds, whether you're cleaning bathrooms, whether you're in customer services, that pride in the work is what's important.

Heather Masters:

And every role has a place.

Heather Masters:

I've heard it said that cleaning bathrooms, for instance, and caring are low paid roles because you don't need that many skills.

Heather Masters:

But should it be more about the value and importance of the role?

Heather Masters:

So if we don't clean bathrooms, I'm sure we've all had the experience of working walking into a public bathroom and deciding, I'll hold it because, you know, it's just not very nice.

Heather Masters:

So the value in having a clean space, the value in knowing that someone's taken care to provide that clean space is massive really.

Heather Masters:

You know, it gives that feeling of, yes, I can use this space because someone's taken that level of care for it to be clean.

Heather Masters:

And the same as with customer service, a customer service person, we go back to companies because of the customer service.

Heather Masters:

We go back to public toilets because we can rely on them being clean.

Heather Masters:

So, you know, have, have respect for those people who, who do good jobs and to take pride in their jobs no matter what that job is.

Heather Masters:

And when we link our self respect to the importance of our work, rather than just our intelligence or societal status around it, we can elevate our standards by kind of committing to being proud of what you do and to showing that pride in how you show up for that work, you can see your task as part of a larger mission.

Heather Masters:

cleaned holiday cottages June:

Heather Masters:

And for me the importance was of Looking at the standards that I had for myself.

Heather Masters:

So if I went somewhere, what would I expect in terms of the standard of cleanliness for a room?

Heather Masters:

And I would aim to go beyond that.

Heather Masters:

And that allowed me to take pride in what I was doing, even though what I was doing wasn't what I wanted to do, particularly at that time.

Heather Masters:

But I understood the reasons behind me doing it and I understood the importance of the difference I could make and providing an excellent clean room for the experience of those holiday makers.

Heather Masters:

And during that time what, what a difference that could make to them and that not only enhances, you know, your self esteem but it opens doors to greater opportunities because you're showing up with that energy, that energy draws better opportunities for you later.

Heather Masters:

So remember that everyone has a role on this planet and some of those jobs that we perhaps have seen in the past as being load paid, yet they're essential to our daily functions are actually going to become more important as we move forward as automation takes over a lot of other roles.

Heather Masters:

So recognize the unique contribution of those who are willing to do those jobs and who are willing to take pride in doing them on the basis that maybe that's where they are at that moment, that's where they are at their season in life.

Heather Masters:

For instance, I did some work for a B and B about 10, 15 years ago when I, it was a kind of a two month stint helping them work out how to put processes and things in place for this B and B.

Heather Masters:

And there was a woman there who was a cleaner and the guy who owned the BNB hadn't spoken to her and I used to sit down every morning and you know, her coffee break and have a conversation with her.

Heather Masters:

And she was actually a microbiologist who had come over from, I think it was Serbia, I could be wrong, but she was a war refugee and because she didn't have English as a second language, all she could do was that cleaning work.

Heather Masters:

To put herself through the English as a second language qualifications and to, to be able to get her qualifications recognized in the uk.

Heather Masters:

This is, this guy had basically looked on her as a person who could only get cleaning work.

Heather Masters:

And to an extent that was right, she could only get that type of work until she took the qualifications that were, would allow her her own higher qualifications and her own experience to be recognized in the uk.

Heather Masters:

So sometimes it's really easy to jump to conclusions as why somebody's doing that particular role and because we see it as a lower role that we, we look down on them when often they're doing something more courageous than maybe you or I would ever do.

Heather Masters:

Sometimes it takes courage to do what it takes, if that makes sense.

Heather Masters:

So don't always jump to assumptions about the people who are doing these jobs.

Heather Masters:

They have higher intentions, they have bigger dreams, and they're doing it for a fundamental reason.

Heather Masters:

And then more importantly, even though they're in that place, they're doing it with pride and with conviction and with positive intentions.

Heather Masters:

So I hope this helps today.

Heather Masters:

I don't know why this came up, but it just felt like it was something that, that needed to be shared and said.

Heather Masters:

So I hope, I hope it encourages people if, if you're losing your job and you're feeling you're having to do what it takes.

Heather Masters:

You know, Don, give up on the bigger dream and at the same time put in the passion and the purpose into the work that you're doing now because that will invite in the work that you want to do.

Heather Masters:

So this Friday, I hope this encourages you to reflect on your own self worth and your own self respect in your professional life.

Heather Masters:

Embrace whatever it is that you're doing with pride and recognize that every contribution counts.

Heather Masters:

So let's value ourselves and let's celebrate that value.

Heather Masters:

And please do like share and subscribe.

Heather Masters:

And this is day five of my day ten of going live.

Heather Masters:

So I will see you over the weekend.

Heather Masters:

So I'll see you tomorrow for Saturday and I haven't chosen a title for it, but I'll see you tomorrow for another live at hopefully around 11am have an amazing Friday and bye for now.

Heather Masters:

Thank you so much for taking the time to listen to this week's episode.

Heather Masters:

If you enjoyed it or think it would be valuable to others, please do share.

Heather Masters:

And if you really enjoyed it, please leave me a review.

Heather Masters:

It really helps the podcast.

Heather Masters:

All of the links are in the show notes and I look forward to seeing you next week on the Choosing Happy Podcast.

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Choosing Happy
Helping Online Entrepreneurs navigate the chaos and trauma of current times, while exploring what it takes to thrive and be truly happy, no matter what life throws at you.
Today chaos is now the norm. Entrepreneurs are constantly confronted with shattering and accelerating change. This podcast explores the power behind Choosing Happiness irrespective of outside circumstances. Recognising that we are living in the 'unknown', Heather facilitates a search for what truly fulfils us from deep within ourselves, in order that we can handle anything that life throws at us.
Join her in her exploration of getting the best out of life and business.

Take a dive deep into diverse topics such as loving the work that we do, energy and state management, digital entrepreneurship, spirituality, money and so much more.

This podcast releases every Wednesday.
Once per month she has friends and guests join her, though primarily you can expect her to be helping you solo.
Each episode has actionable takeaways that you can implement in your life or business.

You can find this podcast in any podcast app on the planet including Apple Podcast, Spotify, Google Podcast and amazon.

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So if you are an entrepreneur looking to bring more joy, success, abundance and a sense of aliveness to your life and business, then this is for you.

This is the Choosing Happy Podcast
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Heather Masters

After struggling to feel comfortable in my own skin for years, and after living through many life and career/business changes, I finally discovered something that helped me get comfortable with the unknown and discover what it was I truly wanted, and to connect with that heartfelt knowing I hadn't been able to get clarity on. I have turned that into a system that helps techies, Entrepreneurs and online creatives (Artists, writers, techies and digital creators) overcome their blocks so they can step into who they really are, tap into their Creative genius and confidently show up in their lives like never before.

When you are tired of being tired...
My mission is to help you step out of old destructive patterns and beliefs that limit you and free you up to create the intuitively guided business and life that empowers and ignites you.

Create A Future Distinct From The Past.

And for those Awakened Entrepreneurs and Business owners, navigating a challenging and vastly changing world landscape, I have created the Online Success Academy, and focused one to one coaching programs, that help you traverse the chaos and take advantage of the new and exciting opportunities presenting themselves.